Great day for base ball at Fort Trumbull! Thanks to the Hilltoppers, for making the long drive from Woodstock, as well as the Bulldogs who helped up fill out our lineups. Special thanks to M-it for umpiring and his son Meat Wagon for an outstanding job catching for Woodstock!
Match at Wethersfield Aug. 7th has been canceled
Our match vs. the Wethersfield Red Onion this Saturday has been canceled.
Our next match is at home at Fort Trumbull on Aug. 14th vs. the Woodstock Hilltoppers.Match @ Woodstock
Connecticut Rail Hawks match cancelled
Due to expected field conditions (thanks for nothing, Elsa!) the match tomorrow vs. the Connecticut Rail Hawks has been cancelled.
New match added to schedule
Thames BBC has added a match with the Connecticut Rail Hawks (aka Connecticut Bulldogs) at Fort Trumbull on July 10th. There will only be one 1865 game played. First pitch is at 11:00am.